Saturday, April 17, 2010

We made to Guangzhou!

We finally made it to Guangzhou. The flight out of Nanjing was supposed to leave for GZ at 6:45 PM. We went to the airport early and were told that our agency had changed our flight and airline with no other explanation. Our guide just received a message to put us on a later flight. Since Joy is a nervous flyer, I had researched all of the flights and airlines and assured her they were safe. Our flight was OK but we had never heard of the airline before which made it more anxious than it should have been. Also it was a later flight and the Gate changed without notice. We had to huff it to the right gate to catch a flight that was 45 minutes later than the original only to find out the gate was not a gate but a dark stairwell. 3 flights down, in to a bus for a 5 minute Indy style race and then up a stair to the plane dragging 2 girls, backpacks, laptop, carry-on and minus 1 pillow pet forgotten at the first gate. After all this the flight was late getting to the airport at GZ, the driver was 25 minutes late to pick us up and by the time we reached the hotel it was after midnight. It made for very tired and ill travelers. If I had it to do again, we would leave no later than 4-5PM or wait until the next day.
GZ is everything that our stay in Nanjing was not. Lots to do around the island even though a lot of construction is underway. Laundry, food, snacks, shopping, parks, pools are all within 2-3 city blocks.
Day 1 was devoted to the Medical Exams. We, and 4 other families, made the short walk over to the medical Clinic for the exams and shots. Lian has the things we already knew about. A problem with each eye, a hernia and delayed development due to being in an orphanage for 5 years. She had a good vaccination record which helped. Even with that she had 4 shots and an oral Polio vaccination. She cried when the doctor examined her. I think she had a bad experience somewhere before, because all he did was look and he was very nice, she just did not want to be there. As for the shots, she did not shed a tear. She is very strong willed and was pretty fed up by the time we got the shots. I am convinced that she was mad and did not want to give them the satisfaction of seeing a single tear. They even tried to get her to look away but she just motioned them on as if to say, hit me with your best shot. She also had her stick for the TB test. we go back in 2 days to have them look for a reaction. This is our last hurdle to coming home. If she has no reaction, they issue the visa and we are set.
After the morning medicals we walked the island and shopped at the local stores. We bought, what else, more shoes. We also had all of our laundry washed, pressed and folded for about $20. Joy is checking on shipping rates to and from the States to see if she can ship all of our laundry here. We finished up the day at the famous "Lucy's" restaurant. We had a need for some good ole fashioned American cholesterol after the last few days. The girls split a pizza, had fries and sprites. Joy and I had Cheese Burgers, fries and even some fried chicken wings. the pictures are from supper.
Tomorrow we are going to a Pearl Market  to look at pearls and jade and then on for more shopping.
We really miss the boys and can't wait to get back home. Mom said feed the dogs and don't mess up the house if you know what's good for you. Only 6 more days until we bring her home for good.
God Bless and Good Night from South China! 


  1. Rachel is a girl after my heart....loving ketchup so much! Her strong will will serve her well! That's a great quality especially geared in the right direction! Glad ya'll are enjoying yourselves! I'm enjoying the updates!


  2. Hi Coy, Joy, & Family: Dana and I were pretty glad to get to Guangzhou ourselves. It was a step toward home, and we were happy for that. We didn't have travel troubles getting home; not really, anyway. But if you're interested, you should read about our troubles getting TO China. That was something else!! What a trooper your little girl is. That "medical exam" is, in my opinion, bureaucracy at its worst. What a nightmare! Have fun shopping tomorrow...well, today in your case since it's 10:42 pm here so you're already probably at the jade market!
