Sunday, April 11, 2010

Olivia is a Rock Star--Part 2

Part 2 of pictures. I am trying to add video but we have to get ready for the big day. We get Rachel in just over 8 hours. I will finish catching you up later. Coy


  1. Hello little Rock Star! I got on tonight because I was just thinking about you and wondering if you had gotten your sister yet. I know you are ver anxious and ready to meet her. I hope you are having lots of fun and learning a lot to come back and share with us. We can't wait to see you! We miss you so much! Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your day tomorrow as you meet the new member of your family. We love you! Mrs. Brasher's Class and Mrs. Brasher :)

  2. Hello Graham Family! We wanted to say hi and let you know we will be praying for your Gotcha moment with Rachel. Thanks for sharing your journey.
