Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Morning Home

We flew in and landed in Birmingham after 11PM on a Friday night. By the time we made it to bed it was after 2AM. The first morning as a family was great. Joy got up and cooked a big breakfast of eggs, sausage, cheese grits, toast, cereal and the list goes on. We texted the shopping list to the boys when we landed in Chicago and they picked everything up before we landed back home.

Rachel Lian loved the cheese grits and eggs and her favorite drink is milk. She is picking up a few words in English each day and already sleeps alone in her own bed. She is the best sleeper. When she gets tired she comes to get me and signs that she wants to go to bed. I take her upstairs, change into the pj's and she gets right to bed. No fuss, no meltdown, nothing. A big hug and kiss and the next time you see her it is 6 AM. I wish she could teach that to the other kids!

The boys really love her. Josh started calling her Rachel Lian as soon as he saw her and she answers to it every time. We have already dropped her Chinese name and nicknames. She just likes to be called Rachel Lian or Lian for short. She likes CJ and Joshy as she calls him. She is terrified of the 2 big dogs if they come inside but likes to go over to the door and talk to them when they are outside. As long as the door is closed she loves them. She tells them all of her problems. She will go over and tap on the glass for them to come to the door and then she just lets go. She jabbers on and on in Mandarin and we catch a word or name every now and then. It seems she tells them a great deal about her sister, bo-blivia. I am afraid to ask......
We scheduled appointments for the first week at our pediatricians and the second week at the UAB International Adoption Clinic. After their assessments it will be off to the eye specialist and where ever else they determine is best.

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