Monday, April 19, 2010

Guangzhou - Day 3

Today we left right after breakfast and went back to the infamous medical clinic. Lian started crying as soon as she saw the sign. I had the guide explain to her that she was not seeing the doctor or getting any shots, they only wanted to look at her arm to check her TB test. It was no use, she was already upset. I still think she had a bad experience at the doctors in the past, perhaps when they did her CT Scann last year. Anyway, we were only there 5 minutes. They looked at her arm and said she passed the TB test, YEAH!!!!
As soon as we left, she was happy and singing again. We went back to the hotel and got on the bus to the Safari Park where we stayed all day. Like Olivia said before, it is the biggest zoo we have ever seen. We finished off the day at the Italian Bistro. It is just down the block from our hotel and is run by Italian brothers who came here from Italy and opened the resturant and it was great. They have the best cheese pizza that I have ever had and that is saying something because I have had a LOT of pizza.
Tomorrow, our guide will take all of the paperwork to the US Consulate and present it for her official US adoption and Visa. The TB Test was the last piece of the puzzle. On Wednesday, we go the Consulate for the official oath and swearing in ceremony and then we get her Visa on Thursday. We fly back to Beijing on Thursday night and then leave at 3:15 PM Friday non-stop to Chicago and then HOME! Enjoy the rest of today's pictures. See you in a few more days with the newest American Citizen in the family.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have all the medical stuff out of the way for Rachel. Pretty scary picture of the baby on the motorcyle....what was she thinking???? Looking forward to pictures of your newest American citizen! (Joy, love how you've fixed her hair)!

