Today's title is for all of my dyslexic friends. It is hard to believe but we leave for China in less than 1 week now. This time next week we will be in San Francisco with our new friends, Jay, Kim, Campbell, Jason and Anna. We depart from SFO direct to Beijing (PEK) at 12:15 PM PST on next Wednesday. We have been busy buying gifts, buying supplies from the various lists of items to take and packing those suitcases. There is so much to think about and remember. My buddy Chuck would be proud of me, I have "Specific Checklists" for everything.
Joy is also busy getting ready for a big Easter Tea Party that she is throwing for Olivia's class. She has games, costumes, baskets and decorations for the entire class. She is famous for her parties and now everyone at the school wants to come. The Huge Easter basket that she made as a fundraiser did great. She sold raffle tickets for 3 weeks and then it was auctioned off at last weeks auction. She made over $200 bucks clear. We have also had several friends and family contribute to our travel expenses this last week. In addition to our Chip In total we have received almost $1,000 towards our trip. One friend donated the hotel stay in San Francisco. Joy is thankful since it is quite the upgrade from the cheap room that I probably would have booked.
We have 1 more dose of the Typhoid meds to take and all of our Travel Vaccinations will be complete. We have made arrangements for Doctor's Appointments for Rachel as soon as we return and we have everything ready in the girl's room for the new sister's.
This is going to be a busy few days. The Easter party is Friday plus the boy's have a soccer tournament with at least 2 games both Friday and Saturday. Sunday is Easter and Monday is the last ditch pack and grab before we leave. Somewhere in here I have to stop by my Dad's and hook the travel trailer back up for the boy's. Since he lives just down the road they will stay at his place while we are gone and stop by each morning and evening to check on and care for the dogs.
I went out and bought a web cam for the home computer and installed it this week. We have been testing it out while I have been on the road. We are using the free service through Sykpe and it has been great to be able to see the family each night while I have been away. It will really come in handy when we are in China to be able to see the guys back home.
Well I am off to try and get some sleep. We are somewhere between Excited and Freaking Out right now so I am not getting much sleep. I don't sleep a lot anyway but lately I find myself sleeping about 1 to 2 hours at a time and waking up to think about something I forgot to do or check. Continue to pray for us all and for smooth travel and transition for Rachel. Have a Blessed Day! Coy